Student Services - Bus Service

Parents/carers have primary responsibility for transporting their children to and from school.

School Bus Service 

However, the School Bus Program (SBP) assists families in rural and regional Victoria by transporting students to school. There are a number of criteria to be eleigible to met the first being you must be attteding your closest school and students must reside 4.8 km or more from the school/campus they attend. This distance is measured by the shortest practicable route, driveable by car, from the student’s residence (not including private driveway) to the school administration gate. I advise any parent who may be eleigible to follow the link below to determine school eligibility and how to access a bus place.

The  School Bus Program is arranged by the school in consultation with Wodonga Senior College who coordinate this school bus service. The contact number is (02) 6043 7500. Our school responsibility is to;

  • distribute information to families upon enrolment or other inquiry, about School Bus Program (SBP) services running in the area
  • collect application forms from students at school and wanting to access a SBP service
  • forward completed application forms to the coordinating school (Wodonga Senior Secondary School). Applications for bus travel in the next enrolment year must be forwarded to the coordinating school by the end of Term 3. If new families enrol at the school after this time, client schools must forward the completed applications to the coordinating school as early as possible and apply priority of placement.
  • we will collect fares from students at their school who are fare paying travellers (only for the SBP)
  • ensure supervision of students getting on and off buses at their school.

Public Bus Service

A Public Transport Victoria service is available to Wodonga families to attend Bandiana Primary School. Those attending Bandiana Primary School from within Wodonga may access this fee for service bus run by the Dysons group, (this service costs approximately $1.30 each way however is subject to change). Dysons can be contacted on 6056 3100. They can advise you of relevant bus stops and times for your children.  Please remember this is a public bus and not a designated school bus and is available for public use not just school children.